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How To Use Foam Rollers

A foam roller or a physio roller is a tool made from synthetic foam rubber used for Self-Myofascial release. Foam rollers offer the same service as a massage only that it is free.
They stretch muscles and tendons while breaking down soft tissue adhesion. Other benefits of using a foam roller include breaking up trigger points, soothing tight fascia and increasing blood flow and circulation to the tissues.
How to use a foam roller
Using a roller is simple but working out some parts of the body may require a bit of practice.
Find an open area and position your body on top of the roller. The body weight will create the pressure needed to massage and releases the tight spots in the fascia. Fascia is a soft connective tissue located just under the skin and it helps wrap and connect the muscles, bones, nerves and blood vessels to the body. Not stretching enough or having injuries may cause the fascia to stick together. You will be able to control the pressure by applying more or less of the body weight on the roller.
For those working out the butt and the hamstrings, sit on the physio roller with the soft part of the buttock directly on top of the roller. Roll back and forth slowly and then side to side so as to release any tight spots in the muscles.
Roll down Gaiam yoga mat 6mm towards the knee and the hamstrings too. Change position and move from side to side so as to work the entire muscle.
To work out the quads, simply lay on top of the roller using the hands for balance and work out the front of the thigh from the hip towards the knee.
Before using a physio roller

Before using a physio roller, always consult a doctor especially if you have any heart illness or any chronic pain.
Always position the roller under the part of the body you want to exercise.
Keep your first sessions short and drink plenty of water before starting a session.

Types of foam rollers
The rollers come in different varieties. Some of them include:

Low density foam- This does not last long but is softer and works well for beginners.
Molded foam roller- These are made of many small high density beads which are compressed to give them shape. They last longer and are the most common type.
The grid-This have a hard inner core and a 1 inch foam outer layer. This make them feel more firm.